Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What to do...

Yesterday I had my playing exam for Symphonic Band. I wasn't expecting much to happen, since I was fairly confident on all of my music. After playing a lyrical section of John Philip Sousa's People Who Live in Glass Houses, Sarv (director of the UDMB and Symphonic Band), asked me what I'm planning on doing with my life. After telling her I just wasn't sure, we had a great conversation about the frustrations of the bureaucracy of education in the United States. My primary plan of action has been to combat these issues post-graduation. But this interaction with Sarv brings me back to a constant question I have: "Why do I want to do this?" People hate change. They love the sound of it (2008 United States Presidential Election), but they shudder when it actually happens (2010 Health Care Reform Bill). Most of the people in this country are apathetic when it comes to Education. They either think the system works or they have accepted that it doesn't. How can I possibly change this mindset when people just don't care enough? Fixing the educational system doesn't result in an immediate economic payoff. Fixing the educational system doesn't immediately make our borders more secure. Fixing the educational system doesn't immediately improve our lives. And no one is patient enough to wait for these positive changes to occur. So what am I doing? Why am I planning on jumping into a pool that has no easy exit? I love a challenge, but this just sounds like a problem where I'll never be satisfied with the solution.

So I'm scrapping that. I'll sing for money in the NYC Subways until Food Network lets me have a show. Or until I win the lottery...


  1. Well, I mean, since music programs are getting cut left and right, I'll accompany you on my little electronic keyboard and then we can cook on Food Network. I have a lot of great coffee drink recipes :)

  2. UM first of all I need to be with you in said NYC Subways and we'll both have a show. Although I'd prefer Travel Channel.

    BUT as a proper response to your blog---
    I feel similarly. I mean, I haven't ever wanted to pursue teaching as a career. But I wrote a similar blog about this about 3 or 4 months ago pretty much railing on the injustices of the American educational system that goes unnoticed and uncared for. So many kids miss out simply because our universities are no longer about education... they are first and foremost a business. That's not to say Harvard won't give you a good education. But you have to be able to "afford" it and that pisses me off. Equal opportunity doesn't really exist here in the States and as people who live pretty well off (meaning comfortably), we forget about things like that.
    Have you looked into Teach for America?

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