Tuesday, August 24, 2010

During my travels to New Zealand, I wanted nothing more than to experience all that was culturally different than America. Learning some of the Maori language, developing a taste for a flat white and enjoying some of NZ's extreme sports were some things I simply had to do before I left the country. However, my choices seem tame compared to those of Marika.

Marika the newest addition to the 2010 UDMB Altos. Marika is from Germany and will be studying at Delaware for the 2010-2011 academic year. She landed in Philadelphia on Sunday and on Monday morning decided to take a walk to the music building to find out about ensembles. She heard the MB practicing and asked about joining "the band practicing now." Next thing I know, I'm driving this German exchange student up to the dining hall explaining how the band rehearses and performs during the season. Here's someone who has never even seen a Marching Band perform and she wants to be in one? Does she know what she's getting herself into!?

After watching our rehearsal for 2 hours, she was hooked. Now she's fitting in perfectly within the alto section. She's got great marching technique for a rookie and has a fantastic attitude. She tried desperately to get out of International Orientation but in the end wasn't able to do so. Her dedication is amazing and her spirit is fantastic. I am so happy to be helping her be part of an incredibly unique American experience.


- Liam


  1. This is awesome! She's made an INCREDIBLE amount of improvement and I am immensely happy for her. :)
