Thursday, October 21, 2010

Jumping on the Bandwagon

I'm really horrible at this whole blogging thing.

But now that my preperation for Teach for America is virtually over, I will hopefully have some more time to spend here.

I've discovered something interesting about the month of October. It happens in both politics and in baseball. Now I know what you're thinking: what could baseball and politics possibly have in common? Well here it is: people who didn't care in the past 11 months all of a sudden start caring. I don't think half the people sporting Phillies jerseys or Yankees caps really cared about these teams even a month ago. And maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there's a huge silent following to both of these teams that really only awakens when something good is happening. The problem is (and here's where the big link to politics is) is that people talk as if the completely understand what's going on. If you haven't been following the teams for the season, don't start sprouting knowledge now. And stop quoting ESPN without giving them some sort of credit.

And as for you new politics buffs, please stop giving your opinion. Do not comment on the health care bill or Obama's tax plan or simply any other political issue if you don't have the facts. Yes I'm sure you got your information from a legitimate source. Fox News or CNN, however are far too biased to have given you the real information. And those ridiculous emails people are sending you about Obama hiring illegal immigrants to work at the White House or the government sending foreign aid to sweatshops in North Korea? They're probably fake. I'd bet they're fake. So stop sending them to everyone you know and quoting them in your facebook statuses. Get your facts straight, and then let's debate some politics.

It's my bandwagon, so stop jumping on it.

- Liam

1 comment:

  1. Good post except one thing. YOU'RE horrible at this blogging thing?! Please, my last post is from when Toy Story 3 came out. :P PLUS, all your posts are AMAZING and I love reading them :)
